贾云朋:1987年生,黑龙江省绥化人,2011年取得郑州大学学士学位,专业:物理学; 2014年取得中国科学院大学硕士学位,专业:理论物理;2019年取得中国科学院国家天文台博士学位,专业:天体物理。
[1] Jia Yunpeng et al., 2018. On the Radial Metallicity Gradient and Radial Migration Effect of the Galactic Disk. The Astrophysical Journal, 863: 93_
[2] Jia Yunpeng et al., 2018. Abundance patterns of evolved stars with Hipparcos parallaxes and ages based on the APOGEE data base. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473: 2622-2632
[3] Jia Yunpeng et al., 2014. Estimation of absolute magnitude-dependent Galactic model parameters in intermediate latitude with SDSS and SCUSS. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 441: 503-512
[4] Gu Jiayin, Du Cuihua, Jia, Yunpeng, Peng Xiyan, Wu Zhenyu, Jing Yingjie, Ma Jun, Zhou Xu, Fan Xiaohui, Fan Zhou, Jing Yipeng, Jiang Zhaoji, Lesser Michael, Nie Jundan, Shen Shiyin, Wang Jiali, Zou Hu, Zhang Tianmeng, Zhou Zhimin, 2015. Photometric metallicity calibration with SDSS and SCUSS and its application to distant stars in the south Galactic cap. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452: 3092-3099
[5] Li Chengdong, Zhao Gang, Zhai Meng, Jia Yunpeng, 2018. The Formation and Evolution of Galactic Disks with APOGEE and the Gaia Survey. The Astrophysical Journal, 860: 53
[6] Jing Yingjie, Du Cuihua, Gu Jiayin, Jia Yunpeng, Peng Xiyan, Chen Yuqin, Wu Zhenyu, Ma Jun, Zhou Xu, Cao Zihuang, Hou Yonghui, Wang Yuefei, Zhang Yong, 2016. Kinematics of the Galactic disc from a LAMOST dwarf sample. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 463: 3390
[7] Chen Yuqin, Zhao Gang, Liu Chao, Ren Jing, Jia Yunpeng, Zhao Jingkun, Luo A-Li, Wu Yue, Zhang Yong, Hou Yong-Hui, Wang Yuefei, Yang Ming, 2015. A comparision of stellar atmospheric parameters from the LAMOST and APOGEE datasets. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 15: 1125
[8] Peng Xiyan, Wu Zhenyu, Qi Zhaoxiang, Du Cuihua, Ma Jun, Zhou Xu, Jia Yunpeng, Wang Songhu, 2018. The Study of Galactic Disk Kinematics with SCUSS and SDSS Data. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 130: 4102
[9] Chen Yuqin, Casagrande L., Zhao Gang, Bovy J., Silva Aguirre V., Zhao Jingkun, Jia Yunpeng, 2017. Absolute magnitudes of seimic red clumps in the Kepler field and SAGA: The age dependency of the distance scale. The Astrophysical Journal, 840: 77
[10] Yunpeng Jia; Chengqun Yang; Yuqin Chen; Cuihua Du; Gang Zhao; Investigating the vertical distribution of the disk as a function of radial action: Results from simulations, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2024, 692: A167
[11]Yunpeng Jia; Yuqin Chen; Cuihua Du; Gang Zhao; Investigating the vertical distribution of the disk as a function of radial action, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2023, 669: A107